When I first found my $1000+ a month studio, 6 years ago, I was so happy to get a place of my own. I had a great deal subletting a 2 bedroom apartment for $600 a month for 4 years previoulsy, but this place was going to be ALL MINE! Until I realized that it seems I live in a building that is like ONE BIG house with lots of rooms and lots of room-mates. This is the part that sucks. You hear things you don't want to hear, want to relax when others want to play music, and most of all, you have people on all sides of you. Chances are you are annoyed, and being annoying at the same time.
This comes to my crazy neighbor downstairs...she calls the apartment manager for any noise she hears AT ALL. In fact, the manager (lets call her Toni) thinks this woman is insane too and needs to move to a quieter place, like a soundproof chamber located in the middle of Death Valley. This would be great. Because after having a friend over last night to discuss recipes after (ooooooo!!!!) 10 pm on a "school night", she decided to bang on my floor (her ceiling) to try to make us hush up and go to sleep. Well, that angered me as well as my guest and I wrote a nasty letter to let her know, I was not going to alter my life, to make hers better.
Whats the point of this rant??? Well, I realized that all of us in our petite little homes, are just trying to live our lives. Perhaps we should not take the noise that others make, so personally. We can and should be somewhat considerate but not overly so, as to ruin our own fun. We need to get our 1000+bucks-a-month-worth, right?